I want to share with you some exciting news. I’m proud to announce that I’ve recently started my own firm, RTA Financial Inc. While the company name is different, there is no change to you and no action required. Your current products and services with me remain the same.
RTA Financial Inc. is the realization of a dream of mine that I’ve been focused on since joining the financial planning industry over 8 years ago. Along with this exciting change, I also have new planning technology, my recent Certified Financial Planner (CFP) designation and much more at my fingertips to continue to help you grow.
Be sure to save my new email address to your contacts (rob@rtafinancial.ca) and I can still be reached at the same number (519-860-4223).
Thank you for your continued support. I look forward to continuing our relationship and achieve all your financial goals.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or want to connect for a review meeting.
All the best,
Robert T. Anderson, CFP, RIS
Principal, RTA Financial Inc.
If you need to reach Robert T. Anderson please email rob@rtafinancial.ca